I just wanted to update you all on Rocky G. Wednesday he woke up and said...... "I feel weird" Thursday at about 2 am I awoke to him screaming "HELP" bloody murder. I ran in the kithen to see what was wrong and that was it. He had a fever of 104 and was loco. When you have a transplant you have to do everything through your coordinator. So he said he would take some meds and wait til she got there in the am. Our alternative was the ER and he WILL NOT do that! So at 8 we called her and she told us to come on. By this time Rocky did not even know ho I was. So I realized I had to get hom o the car and to Birmingham ASAP! So here we go!! I carry him piggy back to the car. We fly to Birmingham- I get there and call ahead to say they need to meet me to transport him upstairs because he is immobile. So here comes this nurse all of about 100 pounds soaking wet and says" Honey get in the wheelchair" I was like "Are you serious?" Just stand there look pretty and hang on to the wheel chair. " I got him in and then it got crazy. They took him upstairs ad his BP was like 38/23. They told me he had "Sepsis" I had no clue what thet was (Thank God) . Later they found pnemonia. The next few days Rocky spent completely out of it. He did not know me or even where he was. The Dr. explained sepsis to me and boy was I surprised. People that have his type of immune system only have a 20% survival rate. I am so glad I did not know this on Thursday because I WOULD HAVE FREAKED because I was by myself. Yes by myself. I really don't get it either why hardly anyone ever comes but I guess it is because it is a whopping hour away in Birmingham. Anyways long story short he is out of the woods now. He is one of the lucky 20% and we are on the upswing. He is still in UAB and will be for a bit more. I hate him constantly having to fight. Like I said people don't get what they deserve.
I'm glad to hear that he's doing better. I hate it so much! I can't believe no one comes to hang out with you while you're up there freakin' out. I'd get some better friends!
Wish I was closer.....
next time i'm coming and i'm going to leave my kids in the car! LOL
I will come anytime just call me. I am serious. I can even bring you lunch if you ever need that during the week. I work just a few minutes from UAB.
Dang Tara! If I was closer I would totally come hang with ya! I hope he gets better quick!
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